На wow.ru некий постер FMIF выложил следующую информацию, нарытую на WoWszene.de. Может конечно тут половина - фейк, но все-таки уже не первый раз наталкиваюсь на подобную информацию в интернете. Меня лично несколько смущает новая профессия, так как принцип действия пока загадочен. Да и класс Death Knight'а, доступный только при выполнении нескольких условий настораживает. Вообщем, хотелось бы услышать кто что думает
The expansion is Northrend, etc, etc.
*We will fight Arthas himself.
*Level cap is 80 (New skills, new talents, etc)
*The expansion is designed for lvl 68 and higher players.
*The Death Knight class will be available for both alliance and horde players and it seems to work on the same mechanics as Jedi in SWG, you can create them once certain criteria are met. (First hero class of the game)
*The Death Knight will combine damage dealing and tanking.
*Siege weapons and destructible buildings will be added to PvP
*A new battleground will be available
*New profession : Inscription. (allows the player to permanently enhance their spells and abilities and to create mysterious items of power to use, trade, and sell.)
*More hero classes will be added in the future
*Leveling from 70 to 80 should took nearly the same time as 60 to 70 (probably a bit more)
*First zone will be Howling Fjord
*We should have roughly the same amount of dungeons as BC
More info on WoWszene.de
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